Famous 5 “Female Firsts” Luncheon
On June 5th, 2012, Famous 5 celebrated “Firsts” at a luncheon in Ottawa. Audrey McLaughlin, first female Party Leader, Sen. Catherine Callbeck, first elected female Premier and Deborah Grey, first Reform MP, took part in a moderated panel discussion.
The event was made possible through the generous support of Enbridge.
All three women followed a similar route into politics. None of them were career backroomers or political junkies; rather, their dedication to various causes prompted others to encourage them to run.
And of course, newly elected Deb Grey famously arrived in Ottawa on a motorcycle.
In a speech to another group that day, Status of Women Minister Rona Ambrose praised the event, saying: “Today’s Famous 5 Ottawa Luncheon panelists are all political ‘firsts’—a designation that brings with it the recognition of how extraordinary they are! I join Canadians everywhere in saluting them.”